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The Colonel By S.S. community consists of caring students, staff, and parents working closely together to foster academic excellence and ensure high student achievement. Students have endless opportunities including the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, (IB) which is an intellectually rigorous pre-university course of studies for students in schools worldwide. It is offered to highly motivated students in the final two years of secondary school. Preparation for the final years is begun with enrichment and acceleration in the first two years of secondary school. The International Baccalaureate is a widely recognized two-year comprehensive program that allows graduates to fulfill requirements of various national education systems.


Colonel By is also recognized as a leader in Technological Innovation in education and as such offers a wide variety of opportunities to students in various fields of technology.

In addition Colonel By boasts one of the most successful Athletic Programs in the region providing students with a tremendous choice and opportunity to pursue athletic excellence.

Mission Statement:
Colonel By S.S. is a caring community committed to helping our students thrive as responsible, productive members of society by promoting:

         An attitude of mutual respect support and courtesy for all

                A spirit of life-long learning

                      The achievement of personal and academic excellence

                             A stimulating and challenging learning environment

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